Friday, March 2, 2012

Colonial Life in Colombia

Once the Spanish took control of Colombia, there was a significant change within society politically, economically, socially, and religiously. 

            As soon as the Spanish established control, trade ports went up due to the variety of trade-able resources on their new land. [1]  The geography of Colombia made the trade industry extremely prosperous because of the rivers that ran through Colombia (Attrato, Sinu and Magdalena).The convenient rivers facilitated the transport of natural resources to trade ports. [1]  The main economy soon became mining, agriculture, and the textile industry, as a result of the new technology brought by the Spanish. [2] 

            In 1739, the Spanish changed the ruling system in Colombia to a viceroyalty. [1]  This new political system created the Viceroyalty of Nueva Granada.[1]  As a viceroyalty, the Spanish kings divided up the land and assign a governor to each area. Each of those governors would be ruled by the King of Spain. This system gave Spain a lot of power over the Colombians because Spain chose the governors of the small land portions and then ruled over them. [2] This system suggested political order, stability, and control. [2]

            The majority religion in Spain was Catholicism and the religions in Colombia prior to their succumb to Spain were vast.  The native Colombians were all of different aboriginal tribes who worshipped their indigenous gods and deities that varied upon each tribe, but not for long. After Spain came in, the aboriginals were converted to Catholicism.  This broke much of the culture and tradition of the  indigenous tribes. Pretty soon religion change, acculturation and intermarriage with the Spanish and the Indigenous destroyed all native culture and traditions. [2]

            Natives were treated very poorly, almost like slaves. [2] The indigenous population decreased because they couldn’t keep up with the European economic demands, refusing to put up with the poor treatment that they received from the Spanish, and the contraction of European diseases because their immune system wasn’t used to the foreign sicknesses. [2]

            The colonial experience was all together different from indigenous life. Not only did the society take a complete 360 change in various aspects, but so did the population.  The changes brought to Colombia from the Spanish altered life for the natives, that were still left, forever.

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